Teacher’s Daughter – Translation

This is a translation version of “शिक्षककी छोरी”. This is a story of my school life, when I was studying in the same school where my dad was a teacher. I have always been a teacher’s proud daughter. I can’t stop but keep on praising about how amazing my dad is and what great contribution he is doing for the society!

This is my story, Hope you like it!

“Daddy,  Can I become a teacher like you when I grow up?” I asked my dad. He didn’t answer me back then, rather smiled at me. At that moment I wasn’t able to understand that smile, maybe dad wanted to say something, explain something hiding in that smile.

My dad was a school teacher and taught Nepali subject. I too studied in the same school from my early kindergarten. I had recently finished my grade four and was promoted to grade five. I hated science and math the most. Every time I started reading them, I felt dizzy, that’s how much I hated it. I was quite a sick child in my childhood, so I time and again was missing school. Because of all that, I failed in math in grade five. Along with me, many other friends too failed that test. Like them I too failed cause I hated math and passing it was way out of my league. But back then, not a  normal student reading in a normal school failed rather a teacher’s daughter whose father taught in the same school failed. Relatives and neighbors started gossiping right after I failed that test. “She failed her exam even though her father is a teacher!” Everyone teased. Even my own classmates and teachers started torturing me for that.

After that, I continued failing in grade six and seven too. Everyone named me as “An unworthy child of worthy teacher!” Every time results day approached, I would start getting anxieties. I knew again everyone will torment a child of a teacher rather than me. Everyone would stab my dad with hurtful words pretending to advise me.

Since I was a teacher’s daughter, my friend’s parents always compared my marks with their children’s. If their child got more marks than me, they would be very proud of them. Whenever my friends got good marks than me, they would be praised whereas when they got less marks , I remember them being punished for it.

Even though I was too bad at studies, I was always good at extra curricular activities. I always took part in every events and won most of them. Whenever people heard about it, they always said that it was all because of my dad. I take part and my dad makes me the winner was what they thought. I time and again wrote something for our national dailies since I was a little girl. Back then, no one believed that I wrote them myself. Everyone thought dad wrote it and published it in my name.

Whenever I did something good it was done by my dad according to people and every time I failed I was considered unworthy child of a teacher.

Next big problem of being a teacher’s child was to hear a continuous nagging of my friends. They always thought that even if I didn’t do my homework, I would never be punished for it. They always thought dad prioritized me over others in classroom. But, in reality I wasn’t much down my dad’s list of bad students. I was never more than a normal student to my dad inside the school compound. I too never felt anytime for the entire 13 years of my school life, that my dad was teaching inside a classroom. He was always like a normal teacher to me, I still remember many times when I called him sir outside school too.

My dad was a Nepali teacher, maybe that’s why I was good in Nepali or maybe because I loved Nepali more than any other subjects. I always passed Nepali with good marks. My friends had a misunderstanding that my father gives me question paper prior to the examination. They always asked about questions that would come in the exam since they were sure I had seen the paper already. But my dad never made the question paper of the class I was studying in. He always asked other teachers to prepare the question so that no one could ever complain about me cheating in it later. My friends also thought that whenever dad brought the answer sheets home, I would make the corrections and get the highest marks. Some even asked me to make their corrections too. But my dad never corrected the answer sheets of my class by his own, he asked other teachers to correct it too.

Sometimes nowadays I think about the smile my dad gave me back as a reply to my question when I was a child. Maybe he wanted to say ” Even though you do good or bad, no one will ever consider a teacher’s intention 100% right , not only them even their children gets weird treatment.” “Will you still want to be a teacher after all this?”Maybe he wanted to ask.

Nowadays I don’t fail the tests anymore. I am improving my extra activities as well. Many years earlier I graduated from school where my dad taught and am currently in the university level. Still, whenever people hear about my life’s good achievements they say ” This is expected from you as you are a Teacher’s daughter.”

Note: While translating I wasn’t able to completely translate the Nepali sentences in English. There might be many mistakes. Will keep on improving. Correction suggestions will be appreciated.

” Every child is gifted, They just unwrap their packages at different times.”

Thank you for your taking out your time to read my article. This means a lot. Follow @anjaliutters to motivate me more if you haven’t already!!

63 thoughts on “Teacher’s Daughter – Translation

  1. My dad is also a teacher, but he has never worked here in Pokhara. That’s why I never had to hear all of those things. But yeah I used to hate Maths too (which I still do, lol)..which is why I chose biology during my +2 so that I wouldn’t have to study Maths, haha.😂😂

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I have a friend who’s mom is a teacher, and she opens up about things like this. The pressure she feels because she’s a child of an educator so she must do great at her studies. She was even pressured to also become an educator. It’s sad that people expects too much and also has that stereotype.

    Anyways, great read and I love the way you tell the story. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • I always thought it was only me who was facing this sort of pressure but now I hear from more people, I feel I was not the only one!
      And thankyou so much ma’am for reading out my post and loving it! Thankyou it means a lot ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. How sad that your excellence in Nepali was overshadowed by having your father as teacher. During the seventeen years we lived in Brazil, my sons always got top grades in his English classes at school. Although I was not a teacher at their school, the students in their classes always credited their success to having a mother as a fluent English speaker.
    All the best in whatever profession you choose ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • I know children get some of their Parent’s skills genetically too, but just because of that downgrading a child and not giving enough credits for his hard work rather treating it as if he got that by birth is so stupid!
      THANKYOU so much for taking out your time and reading my story ma’am! It means a lot 🙏❤️

      Liked by 2 people

  4. My dad is a professor but he didn’t teach in any of my schools but when the teachers in my secondary school found out, they started having high expectations of me in regards to grades and character. It was so hard and depressing for me to keep up acting like I knew all the subjects I was taking or pretending to be overly smart because my dad’s a professor.
    But I’m in uni now and all that pressure has worn off because nobody here knows my father and I hope it stays that way until I graduate. I don’t want that pressure and expectation mounted on me again. Great post❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s really hard being a teacher’s child! As easy as other people see it, as simple as it seems. The life is so pretentious for those who are not so good in their studies and who can’t do so good in it! 🙏 Thankyou for commenting and reading my article! It means a lot ❤️


  5. Thankyou so much ❤️ I am kind of glad that someone else can relate to my story but I m sad too, people really have so high expectations from teacher’s children! I don’t know that’s so frustrating 🥺


  6. Pingback: Teacher’s Daughter – Translation – Myworld

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