Changes! -Translation

This is my translation version of मेरो सानो ठूलो गन्थन. Whenever I get free time, I often compare the time during my childhood and now. The differences that I felt have been elaborated here.

Hope you like it!

I often look back during my childhood and wonder about those days when every single one we met felt as our best friend. I always imagined about taking them home and keeping them with me forever.
Where the only thing we saw was pure love and affection around us and we equally shared love and positivity among people .

Where love was found behind every action of relatives and neighbors and our heart fluttered every time them visiting us.
Where the only things we played were toys and playhouses and they were the only thing that ever got broken.
Where the wounds we got by running here and there would heal itself by mother’s anger filled love and a little bit of antiseptics.

Where elders easily forgave us for our stupid behavior.
Where the fight between friends was always ended with a piece of candy and lots of hugs and kisses.
Where we always imagined being grown up and looked up at seniors and dreamed being like them one day.

But, I was a child back then, unaware of all the problems and the consequences that growing up would hold. I was unaware that not only our physical height changes when we grow up, many things changes along with it and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

As I thought in my childhood, not everyone we meet is our friend. We may be able to keep them in our house but its too hard to keep them forever in our heart.
Like I thought before, our world is not filled with love and affection only, along with it there’s conspiracy, there’s falseness that tags along. Rich-poor, racism everything is considered while sharing love and affection with others.

I always thought there was immense love behind my relative’s and neighbor’s actions, but now I can read the hate and their ill intentions masked behind that fake love.
Like I thought before, people don’t play with toys and playhouses only,  nowadays people play with each other’s heart, leaving it shattered forever.
I thought there’s no wound that can’t be cured by mom’s anger filled love and antiseptics, but never knew that life gives us wound that will scar forever and will haunt us down even in our sleep.

Its no more like the time I was easily forgiven for my stupidity, nowadays people tend to hold grudge against others and satire them continuosly for a long time even for their little mistakes.
And like I thought one piece of candy can never solve the problems between friends anymore, people have started to let the third person affect their life even if they know nothing about your whereabouts.

If I was aware about all these changes earlier , I would definitely pray to god to let me stay a child for a little longer. But, where I thought that god must be worshipped with pure heart for the wish to be granted, unfortunately I never knew people even bribe god and pretend to pray about their wishes.

Note: While translating I wasn’t able to completely translate the Nepali sentences in English. There might be many mistakes. Will keep on improving. Correction suggestions will be appreciated.

“Childhood is an age of innocence when life begins.”

– Urvashi Vats

Thank you for your taking out your time to read my article. This means a lot. Follow @anjaliutters to motivate me more if you haven’t already!!

44 thoughts on “Changes! -Translation

  1. With growing up we always hunt to find intentions of others,if someone did good,why?? If someone did bad,why??
    But as a child we used to enjoy the action rather than hunting intentions

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Vivimos en una sociedad enferma. Cuando somos niños no nos damos cuenta de eso. No traemos el odio, ni la envidia, ni la avaricia, ni las ansias de poder, ni el racismo, cuando venimos a este mundo. Lamentablemente eso lo adquirimos a medida que vamos creciendo. A medida que nos alejamos de Dios. Hasta pretendemos negociar con el o engañarlo. Un mundo de niños, seria un mundo más justo, equitativo y solidario. No lo dudo. Abrazos

    Liked by 2 people

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