Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award!

Dear Aanya,

Thank you so much for nominating me for Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award. This is my third WordPress writing award nomination and I am so happy to get this from a wonderful person like you. I am so so so thankful to you for nominating me ❤️

To everyone reading this, Aanya herself is a great blogger. She has awesome post about Wizarding world that you may or may not have known. She has a great blog and her theme is so wizard like too. Despite having less than 200 followers she already has been nominated for many awards and is a great writer. Do check her blog once, You will love her as much as I do:

The Rules for this award are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
  2. Make a post of the award (with a Photo of the Logo).
  3. Post the Rules.
  4. Ask 5 – 10 questions of your choice.
  5. Nominate 10 – 30 other bloggers (or more) and notify them.
  6. Thank the originator of the award who has given us a platform whereby bloggers can be discovered and recognized for the work that they do. Please follow Vincent’s blog here.

My Answers:

1-Is blogging a profession or a hobby for you?

– It’s just a mere hobby of mine. I had a plan in my head for a long time, nearly two years about starting a blog to express what I had in my head. Finally got this platform and the love you guys are showering me here is making me realize how worth it it is.

2-How many friends have you made from blogging?

– Many friends tbh, I have so many wonderful seniors who really appreciate my works and also a lot of friends.

3-What activities inspire you to feel like you’re living your life to the fullest?

– Writing down things that I actually feel and can’t usually speak out makes me feel so. Other than that whenever I am around kids, I just love my life ten times more and I think it’s the best way to live a life; Happily around kids.

4-Where do you see yourself in the next five years? 

– I see myself graduating from one of the university in USA. (A little dream of mine)

5-Do you ever regret any of your posts?

– None till the date. I just usually write down what I have in my head and what I want to speak out about so there is no post I regret about.

I would like to Nominate the following Bloggers further for this award and the questions are the same ones I answered, for you guys as well.

I hope you all pass on the positivity around and help other bloggers like us who are in need of that limelight. ❤

Thank you for your taking out your time to read my article. This means a lot. Follow @anjaliutters to motivate me more if you haven’t already!

102 thoughts on “Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award!

  1. Pingback: Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award! – Myworld

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