We Hit 1000 Followers!

(I am in happy tears while writing this post.) Thank you so much everyone of you for all the support and love you have given me in this journey. With all your support, I have finally reached 1000 followers on WordPress! This is actually a dream come true ❤️ Thank you so much everyone.

Here, I would also like to make two big announcements. First, Not that I am trying to be rude or something, I don’t mean to hurt anyone of your feelings. But, I will no longer be doing any of the award post in my blog. I always feel that these nominations are for those who genuinely need that limelight to be visible and get that platform to showcase their talents in front of others. In my personal experience, I always felt so demotivated before when I had less than 100 followers and never got nominated for any award. Now that You all have loved me and have brought me to this place with your continuous support, I want those awards to be given to those who are really in need of some serious motivation, Just the way I needed them before. (No disrespect Intended )

And about another big announcement!
I have recently created a new Instagram from my Blog. Do follow me there and support me on my new journey! It will mean a lot to me.❤️ To follow me in Instagram Click Here.

Just wanted to Tank you!

Thank you for your taking out your time to read my article. This means a lot. Follow @anjaliutters to motivate me more if you haven’t already!!

230 thoughts on “We Hit 1000 Followers!

  1. I, like you, do not accept blogging awards as I hate the competitiveness this creates among people who just want to write. Getting masses of followers is also not something I strive for as I know many people just click on to follow without really wanting to know about you. Follow your own path and genuine people will find you and your words.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thankyou so much for your kind words! Yes, it indeed creates competitiveness and also demotivates all those beginners who barely get nominated by others. I hated this practice so I decided I will no longer accept it ❤️ Thankyou for appreciating and stopping by my blog ma’am 😘

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello! I’m Markie, I started my first blog couple months ago. I thought the drawings on your other post were beautiful, particularly the 3D mandala!
    I’ve acquired a small following so far, but I’m wondering if you have any tips about ways to advertise and keep gaining more followers? I know other forms of social media are helpful… I’m also wondering how to the award posts work that you mentioned?

    I’d love for you to come visit me! I have a writing blog and a secondary page for cooking, painting, and other hobbies!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I went through your blog, your blog is so much more beautiful and interesting than mine. I really don’t have any actual tips that could be helpful, because within the period of time, I followed other bloggers and started interacting with them and they did the same. Thankyou for stopping bby my blog. I tried following yours, but couldn’t. How can I follow you?


      • Hello, and thank you so much for the compliment! That’s always nice to hear. We are all our own worst critics, I think you are very talented.
        I’m flattered that you’d like to follow and I’m sorry about the issue! I thought I had it figured out… there are follow buttons under my welcome message, and beneath each post. At least there should be- if not, let me know and I’ll look into it! Otherwise you can subscribe; if you’re on a cellphone you just have to scroll down a ways to get to the subscriber.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Which page did you look at? I created The South Paw Poet first, originally to show literary agents that I have a platform to help market my writing. (I’m trying to get my first novel published.)
        But it was just so fun, so I made The Green Gemini so I could share all of my hobbies without taking away the spotlight from my writing! I love it.

        Liked by 1 person

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